The Jewish Faith and Business Principles of Samuel Nathan Kahn

Samuel Kahn
5 min readSep 13, 2023

The Jewish Faith and Business Principles of Samuel Nathan Kahn

The Jewish Faith and Business Principles of Samuel Nathan Kahn
The Jewish Faith and Business Principles of Samuel Nathan Kahn

In the heart of Prestwich, Manchester, a place known for its diverse culture and rich history, Samuel Nathan Kahn built his empire. While his business acumen was widely recognised, it was his deeply rooted Jewish principles that set him apart in the competitive world of business.

The streets of Manchester echoed tales of Samuel’s dedication to his faith. From a tender age, he was immersed in Jewish traditions and teachings. As he grew older, these became his guiding principles, not just in personal life but also in business.

Judaism and its teachings have always stressed the importance of ethical behavior and fair dealings. Samuel was particularly inspired by the concept of ‘Tzedakah’. While the direct translation of Tzedakah means ‘righteousness’, it’s deeply intertwined with charity in practice. For Jews, giving is not just a generous act; it is a responsibility, a duty that every individual must uphold.

Samuel took this duty to heart. His business, located in the heart of Prestwich, was more than just a profit-driven entity. It was an embodiment of his beliefs — a platform where ethics met enterprise. He believed that a business’s success was not just measured by its financial gains but by its impact on the community. The welfare of his employees, fair dealings with partners, and contributions to the local community were of paramount importance.

Manchester’s Jewish community is known for its close bonds and shared values. Samuel’s upbringing was steeped in these traditions. Stories of endurance, resilience, and a deep sense of community shaped his worldview. These tales were not just bedtime stories for Samuel; they were lessons, values he carried with him throughout his life.

As his business grew, Samuel ensured that the principles of justice, integrity, and fairness were at its core. Pricing was always fair, weights and measures accurate, and payments were always on time. He believed that in business, as in life, one’s word is their bond.

His endeavors also extended beyond business. Samuel was an active participant in community events, always lending a hand, be it through financial aid or personal involvement. His efforts were not just limited to the Jewish community but extended to the broader Prestwich community as well.

Judaism and Business: Ethical Foundations in a Globalised World

The principles and teachings of Judaism have, for centuries, provided a robust moral and ethical foundation for many who venture into the world of business. It is not merely about adhering to rituals but living a life where every action is reflective of deeply held values. As the business landscape continues to evolve and become more intertwined due to globalisation, these Jewish principles are more pertinent than ever.

Honesty and Integrity At the core of Jewish teachings is the emphasis on honesty and integrity. The Talmud, a central text in Rabbinic Judaism, is replete with stories and teachings that extol the virtues of honest trade and condemn deceptive practices. A study by the Edelman Trust Barometer showed that globally, trust in businesses stands at around 58%, a figure that indicates room for significant improvement. Adopting and demonstrating honesty and integrity in all business transactions can help bridge this trust gap.

Charity and Philanthropy Jewish teachings make a strong case for Tzedakah, or charity. It’s seen not as a benevolent act but as a duty, a responsibility. According to a report by the Giving USA Foundation, in 2020, individuals in the U.S. gave over $324 billion to charity. When broken down by religious beliefs, studies indicate that Jewish households are more likely to give to charity and, on average, contribute more than their non-Jewish counterparts. Businesses, big or small, that embed philanthropy into their core operations can not only enhance their corporate image but also contribute meaningfully to societal welfare.

Fair Treatment and Equity The Torah and the Talmud stress the importance of fair treatment, especially towards workers. This belief is summarised in the phrase “Do not take advantage of a hired worker who is poor and needy.” In a world where income inequality is a significant concern — the World Economic Forum cites it as a critical challenge facing the globe — businesses can differentiate themselves by ensuring equitable pay, decent working conditions, and opportunities for growth for all employees.

Rest and Reflection The concept of Shabbat, or the Sabbath, is not just about rest but also about reflection. It’s a day when one disconnects from the material to connect with the spiritual, with family, and with oneself. In a 24/7 connected world, where burnout rates are soaring, businesses can take a leaf out of this principle by encouraging a work-life balance, periodic breaks, and reflection. A survey by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) highlighted that employees in countries that prioritize work-life balance report higher job satisfaction and overall happiness.

Sustainable Practices While modern terminology speaks of “sustainability” and “environmental consciousness,” Jewish law was centuries ahead with the principle of Bal Tashchit, which warns against needless destruction or wastage. In a world grappling with climate change, with reports from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) highlighting the urgent need for sustainable business practices, the age-old wisdom of Bal Tashchit offers guidance. Businesses can innovate to minimize waste, reduce their carbon footprint, and contribute to a more sustainable future.

Incorporating these Jewish values into the world of business is not just a moral imperative but also a smart business strategy. As global studies show, consumers are more inclined towards businesses that prioritize ethics, societal welfare, sustainability, and employee well-being. In essence, the age-old teachings of Judaism offer a roadmap to businesses for success in today’s complex, globalized world.

The story of Samuel Nathan Kahn is not just about a successful businessman from Manchester. It’s about a man who seamlessly blended his faith with his professional life, ensuring that his Jewish principles were reflected in every business decision he made. It serves as a testament to the fact that success can be achieved without compromising on one’s beliefs and values.

